Lehrer im theoretischen Bereich - Mary Frances

Mary Frances

Qualifikation:Beraterin für Veränderungen und Gruppenmoderatorin

Zugehörigkeit:Member of Faculty, Institute of Constructivist Psychology, Padova Director of the International Lab, ICP Padova Visiting lecturer for a wide variety of universities, institutes and training organisations in the UK, Europe, and Asia. Founder of the European Constructivist Training network Chartered Member of the Institute for Personnel and Development, UK Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts, UK

Unterrichtete Fächer: Psicologia delle Organizzazioni; Personal Construct Psychology for Coaching (seminario)

Kontakte: mary.frances@virgin.net

Interessengebiete: Persönlicher und beruflicher Wandel und Übergang; organisatorischer Wandel, Projektleitung, konstruktiver Dialog und Verhandlungen; Erkundung der Möglichkeiten und Bedeutungen in unseren Alltagsgesprächen; Arbeit mit Geschichten, Bildern und Träumen; Erkundung von Kunst, Poesie und konstruktivem Spiel.

Curriculum: mary_frances_profile.pdf

Ecm curriculum: 

Wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit: 


Mary is a change consultant and group facilitator. She works with a wide range of individuals, groups, and organisations, mainly in public services, education, and the arts. Her work is grounded in a constructivist approach, and particularly Personal Construct Psychology which she teaches internationally.

Qualifications: MA in Personal & Organisational Development; Diploma in Psychology; Diploma in Personal Construct Psychology (specialising in Counselling & Coaching in Organisations); Counselling Certificates (psychodynamic + humanistic).

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